Saturday, May 14, 2011

Not Missing March

March is gone and we've had much better weather in April and May. Sunshine and even a 60-degree day here and there. I swear it felt like it rained everyday in March and for someone from Florida, it was rough. Minnie and I put on the gear and still got outside everyday, but it's ridiculous when a 2-year old asked what's that while pointing to the sun. She hasn't seen it in at least 5 months.

Toddler skating at the local amusement park

Minnie liked to grab my hand and go super fast. "Doe Fass, Mama!"

ZakZak took a little while to warm up to skating. Especially since he stood and watched Minnie fall. 

And fall again.

And again.

Milk and cookies after a hard work-out

Lazing around with some popcorn, the beanbag, and a movie

Princesses are always with Minnie

NOT smiling on St. Patty's Day

Showing me her boo-boo and her pot-of-gold socks

Making homemade green ice cream

Minnie's favorite game - STEAM ROLLER!

1 comment:

morgan cullen said...

i LOVE steam roller...i'd run too :)
also, her smile in the green ice cream pic and zak's face when roller skating! i love that she fell and kept at it, that'a gurl!