Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Florida Part 1

We ventured down to Vero Beach for our (it's becoming) annual trip to get away from the winter. We had great weather (except for a downpour on the day of professional beach pictures of course), got to see the entire family, visited Lion Country Safari, went as Snow White to Disney World, and most importantly got to hang out with Mimi and Papa AND GrandDaddy Boy.

Minnie getting a hug from Dad after her proud moment of staying on her tire swing for "8 seconds"
Minnie yanking up Dad's shirt trying to spank Dad's bottom so he'll put her down. No chance!

Minnie doing her favorite thing in the world - bouncing! at a festival in Vero.

Minnie decided to jump in on a game of Ring Around the Rosie.

You can tell the kids must have known each other because they were a little weirded out about this pushy little redhead they did not know wanting to get them to start the game again by holding hands. She didn't care if they were weirded out; she just went to the next person. I love her personality!

My Mom knew of a miniature pony stable in Vero, so we stopped by to let Minnie look.

So she saw Dad point at the pony, thought it was a good idea...

Nope, it wasn't. I'm sure the pony thought yum, a baby carrot when looking at her little fat finger.

Not realizing that we were all watching the finger nipping episode, Minnie continued to tell us for days that the pony nipped her finger, hand, knee, elbow, so that we would feel sorry for her.

Man, this kid loves the beach

Loved it when Dad buried her feet. She would throw her feet up and say Nah, which means again or more.

Such a funny way to run. It was like the world was leaning on her.

Giving cousin Addison a kiss!

Cousin Jake played Minnie on Papa's PSMove. He let her win until right at the end, then annihilated her!

Watching Cinderella for the first time on Mimi and Papa's bed. There was no interrupting the show.

Naked bum in Snow White high heels. Yes, she's obsessed with princesses. This is the last naked post. She's getting too old.

Minnie and her new friends Savannah on Mimi's back porch

Minnie helped Sav down stairs and to the backyard so they could play on the hammock

These two were so cute together.

What a pout!

Minnie teaching Sav how to sit like a lady.



Auntie Katie said...

Yay! So happy to see all these cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!

DAH FAIRY! said...

ummm, even though i LOVE all the new videos, what i really want to see are those naked buns, in action, racing across mimi/papa's house..in high heels, none the less! goofy baby!

Anonymous said...

yay. the mins is back. love the update.
