Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The end of Last Summer

We have a really cool little pond with a fountain at our new house. Minnie and friends like to go fishing in it. 

One of Minnie's all time favorite games - jumping off the couch into the bean bag. She calls it humpty dumpty.

Our front yard - yes, we have a white picket fence

Minnie's mermaid balloon at a festival

Because she has yet to crawl out of her crib, she's still in it. We check on her every night and she's always in a weird position.

Minnie in Dad's dirty socks

Must save for future embarrassment

Just call her Imelda Junior

Releasing butterflies that we grew from caterpillars

Our family trip to Seattle for Sox game

This is the safest place a kid can keep their precious things

Best fountain ever

It's getting ready to shoot everyone standing near it


Minnie using my scarf as a dress and singing to herself like she's in a fairytale

Caught her singing to herself again

Off to the Red Sox game!

Minnie looking at her exact flower girl dress she would wear in a month

We took a gondola up to a mountain but it was too cloudy to see anything. Fun ride, though.

Minnie and Ryan on a night time walk

We found a wedding site in the woods!

Minnie checking out the flower petals and gathering information for her flower girl debut 

Daddy, will you marry me?

Our cabin in the light. 

Minnie still thinks that she has to stick her eye right in the lens in order to take a picture . She cannot be convinced otherwise.

We ate lunch in a train car.

Forever playing "You Can't Catch Me"

They had one of these at a playground when I was little

This is a rainbow boa that Mimi gave Minnie for her birthday. This was the boa that made Ryan proclaim, "No more boas in the house." They are quite messy, especially when you play tug of war with the dog.

And this is what could happen when you don't turn around for 5 minutes during road trips

Minnie's best buds at the kids amusement park

Hey, move. It's my turn!

Tower of Toddler Terror

Minnie's been practicing her knots

Going down the big kids slide at the pool

All by herself!

Where did you get that...?

She's pretending she's climbing a mountain

Minnie and Zak in one of their many Halloween costumes

Paps to the rescue

Love that tummy

Braided twins

This is what summer's about. Passing out from having so much fun.

Minnie's first putt-putt golf outing. It was hot and she refused to pull up her dress.

Some roller coaster. So brave.

We spend lots of time outside doing art work in the summer. Legs are usually the preferred canvas. 

Happy Birthday to Minnie

Biking at Sun River

Poor Portland kids - the sun is killing them!

Ready to ride Blueberry the pony

Minnie's 3 and has ridden horses more often than me

I took this picture during quiet time

It's so cute how comfortable they are around each other

Once again, passed out on the way home with her new hair feather


Auntie Katie said...

Man! that is a lot of summer fun! I love how the tiara's and princess dresses just kind of fit in!

fairy said...

i'm with katie...this post has so much funness packed it, it's absurd! i can't even imagine how much she's grown since these...i can't wait for some more recent posts!