Thursday, August 4, 2011

We had to stop by the garden. There were baby ducks and tons of rhododendrons blooming.

Minnie amazed by her reflection in the pond. 

Apron buddies

This skirt's seen better days...

ZakZak, come down in the ditch and play with me.
Yeah, I think I'll stay up here where it's clean.

Totally forced hand-holding

"Wait, Poppy, you're about to step in goose poop!"

Minnie and Ryan have been riding the city bus on Ryan's days off. Minnie loves it!

This day while riding the city bus, they stopped by the arcade.

And met me for lunch and to have her face kissed off. 

Some of the many neighborhood girls

Minnie tackling Olivia while everyone plays the ball game

At Sophie's house for Minnie's moving-away party
Olivia, Minnie, and Sophie

One last picture of Minnie's room before we move

Must have these four buddies every night for bed


morgan cullen said...

hands down, my favorite post ever! seriously, EVER TO DATE! the videos had my eyes watering...she does NOT know where she wants to sleep, shushing over poo poo panties is hilarious and the ball game, i wanna play! i LOVE LOVE how she wears princess costumes everywhere, you know she's gonna crack up at that when she's a teen! i miss her and cant' wait to kiss her face in a month!

Papa said...

Ryan sounds like Darth Vader telling Luke: "I am your Father", but I don't think Luke ever went poopy i his pants.

Mimi said...

oh so missing our girl. I love the "no's" - reminds me of Preston. Give her a kiss for us - we can't wait to see our little Flower Girl (Weed girl?)